Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday Evening

I have thinking about setting up a blog for several months. Today I read that one of my favorite blog sites was looking for pix and to send a link. So why not give blogger a shot. I created an entire website so how tough could this be... I guess I will see soon enough.

OK Kristina here are a couple of pix.

This duck was at a road-side pumpkin stand in Conneticut in the fall. I always felt he was saying -- "hey lady, open the gate and let me out," with his sly ducky smile. I think his colors are quite inspiring in a way that only mother nature could create.

The other was taken at the food court in Harrod's in London. I love to cook and the food displays were amazing. I snapped a few quick pix before I realized that photos were discouraged... The ceilings were amazing, and all the tile work outstanding.


Here are two birds of different feathers!